Upcoming Events at Holy Trinity
Topic: - Christmas Tradition
TheALEogy provides an opportunity for church members and friends to gather weekly at a restaurant to openly and safely discuss how faith intersects with current world topics and personal interest areas. We gather every Monday at 6:30 p.m. at Fibber Magees. Topics are thoughtfully suggested by attendees and discussed in the spirit of fellowship and respect. This week the topic is - - Christmas Tradition
Martha Circle
Martha Circle is a community of women commited to engaging in service projects. They meet via Zoom for fellowship and planning. Our missions for 2024-25 include:
November & December: Thanksgiving & Christmas Needs
February: Fans Across America
March: Sunshine Acres
April: Kitchen Needs
May: Homeless Advocacy Team (HAT) gift cards
Contact the president of Martha Circle, Doris Bushard, via email at doris [dot] bushard [at] live [dot] com