An intelligent mind acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge.
-Proverbs 18:15
Little Library
Located on the southwest corner of Erie Street and Sunset Drive (near the church’s east parking lot), this little library is stocked with books and sorted so children and adults can have easy access to books. Inspired by the Little Free Library non-profit organization,, Holy Trinity aspires to build and serve the neighborhood community by expanding book access and inspiring reading.
Ministry Leader
Sue Wicke
For more information about this ministry, you may contact the church office at (480) 963-4127.

Little Library
Located on the southwest corner of Erie Street and Sunset Drive (near the church’s east parking lot), this little library is stocked with books and sorted so children and adults can have easy access to books. Inspired by the Little Free Library non-profit organization,, Holy Trinity aspires to build and serve the neighborhood community by expanding book access and inspiring reading.
Ministry Leader
Sue Wicke
For more information about this ministry, you may contact the church office at (480) 963-4127.

An intelligent mind acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge.
-Proverbs 18:15